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 Figure 1.

The table below represents the controls description of the panel on Figure 1.

The tree in the left part of the stave shows the structure of a period. Namely – the number of sentences in a period, the number of phrases in a sentence, the letter sign for each phrase and the number of Motives in the phrase. As you press any tree node, the program shifts the panel with the stave so that the corresponding element appears at the beginning of the stave panel visible part.
The melody key is defined in the 'New' dialog. In this position right after the clef there are the signs of the selected key.
There is the meter of composed Melody.
This interface element represents the start of the period.
This interface element represents the start of the sentence.
This interface element represents the start of the new phrase.
Such an area exists above all markers, elements that define the beginning of a period, sentence or phrase. As you press this area, the program enqueues for playing the corresponding part of a melody. For example, as you press this area above the interface element representing the start of the phrase, the program plays the phrase.
The main stave element is the interface element representing the Motive.
Panel from the left of each Motive allows to move the Motive to the other interface elements. Mostly it’s used for applying the development method to the Motive.
Each Motive remembers its modifications history. The program remembers the current Motive status before it inserts the new chord or the new notes into the Motive. The arrows help to move to the previous status, than it’s possible to get back to the latest state. Each motive remembers twenty of its latest states.
If the area over the Motive is lilac, that means that the motive is selected. You may need that as you work with the methods of Motive development. At the same time only one Motive can be selected in the melody. Click the mouse over the area to select the corresponding Motive.
If you click this area, the program enqueues the Motive for playing. The program will play the Motive as many times as you click this area. If a user adds the Motive for playing when the program already plays another Motive, the program plays the added Motive without stop right after the first one. It’s like sticking together all the Motives in the queue and playing them as a continuous flow.
The number of a Motive.
The horizontal scroll bar is placed in the bottom part of the stave panel.

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